Transparency Policy

Customer satisfaction is out top priority. is dedicated to offering highly advanced and user friendly services to all of our account holders. operates with full transparency and regulatory compliance of all applicable laws of where our services are offered. But we may have to restrict some of our services to account holders who are located in countries where our regulatory compliance has not yet been finalized. In some locations, we will still be operational but under certain licenses or registrations while we wait for approval. As a result, some account holders’ funds may be restricted based on their location.

For more information on how we obtain and use information, please visit our privacy policy.

FinCEN MSB Registration Number: 31000066075203. This is not an offer or solicitation in any jurisdiction where we are not authorized to do business.Market volatility, volume, and system availability may delay account access and trade order executions. CoinQX is a property of CoinQX Exchange Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of First BITCoin Capital Corp, a publicly traded company under the symbol BITCF. Copyright 2017